Download Best Android Hacking Tools [Updated 2018]
Android is not just a machine, It is fully featured computer machine. When you rooted your android phone, you gain complete access your android phone. You can run some ethical hacking android apps on the phone that make your android phone into a fully-featured hacking machine.
With the rise of technology and advancements in the mobile field, hacking these days have become very common which was once thought to be done only by those who have an expert knowledge of computers. Even everyday things such as a smart device are hacked nowadays. Android Mobiles can run penetration testing and security test from hacking android apps.
Traffic sniffer works on 3G and WiFi
(works on FroYo tethered mode too). To open dump use WireShark or
similar software, for preview dump on phone use Shark Reader. Based on
TCP dump.
Nmap (network mapper) is one the best
among different network scanner (port finder) tool, Nmap mainly
developed for Unix OS but now it is available on Windows and Android as
well. Nmap for android is a Nmap app for your phone! Once your scan
finishes you can e-mail the results. This application is not official
apps but it looks good.
AndroRAT is a remote administration
tool for android devices. The remote administration tool is basically a
client-server application which is used to control a system without
having physical access to the system.
Spoof App allow us to spoof (Place)
calls with any caller ID number. To spoof calls, we need Spoof Cards
which are sold separately. Some other features include voice changer
using which we can change our voice. You can also record the whole
conversation. If you are installing the app for the first time then you
will receive a free 5 minute Spoof Card.
Droid Pentest helps you to find all
android apps for penetration testing and hacking so you can make
complete penetration test platform. It is one of the Best Android
Hacking app 2015.
DroidSheep [Root] is an Android app
for Security analysis in wireless networks and capturing facebook,
twitter, LinkedIn and other accounts. DroidSheep was developed as a tool
for testing the security of your accounts and is based on my Bachelor
thesis with title ‘Session Hijacking on Android Devices’.
Droidsheep Guard
DroidSheep demonstrates the
simplicity of session hijacking within a WiFi-Network — just a single
click and your facebook, eBay, twitter, LinkedIn account are taken over
by an adversary and you´re defenseless.
DroidSniff is an Android app for
Security analysis in wireless networks and capturing facebook, twitter,
LinkedIn and other accounts. It is one the best hacking apps but was
only developed for security purposes.
WhatsApp Sniffer
WhatsApp Sniffer is a great android
hacking app, which works in tandem with the WhatsApp application. Using
this app, you can hack private WhatsApp chats, pictures, audios and
videos of your friends who are using your WiFi Hotspot. You can
manipulate pictures, videos, account info at your pleasure. It is
detected by antivirus so disable your antivirus before using this app.
This app automatically connects two
people in a phone call making them feel that they called each other.
Eviloperator’s biggest merit would probably have to be that you can
record and save the conversation.
WiFi Killer
This app is used to block a person
who is using your WiFi network. You can disable internet connection of
any device that is using your network.
Remote Administration Tool for
Android. Androrat is a client/server application developed in Java
Android for the client side and in Java/Swing for the Server.
APKinspector is a powerful GUI tool
for analysts to analyze the Android applications. The goal of this
project is to aid analysts and reverse engineers to visualize compiled
Android packages and their corresponding DEX code.
dSploit is an advanced toolkit to
perform network security assessments on mobile phones. It is a complete
toolkit so you can perform various attacks like password sniffing,
real-time traffic manipulation, etc
Download Best Android Hacking Apps & Tools 2018
Penetrate Pro
Penetrate Pro is used to calculate
WPA/WEP keys for some routers which mean it is used for WiFi decoding.
Some antivirus may flag the app as the virus because it uses some
security permissions.
Turns your android phone into a Wi-Fi
analyzer!! Shows the Wi-Fi channels around you. Helps you to find a
less crowded channel for your wireless router.
This was our guide. If you have any
issues or queries left related to this issues then send your queries in
the comment box. I shall get back to you as soon as possible.
Download Best Android Hacking Tools [Updated 201